CentOS 5.11 Reality Install Fails

CentOS 5.11 Reality Install Fails with 'No history file tool available for a unknown' – Updated Dec 10, 2015

Due to library incompatibility changes CentOS 5 can no longer be supported by Reality
… although CentOS 5 is supported until Mar 31, 2017 Version 6 has been released since 2011, with Version 7 released in 2014.

Installing Reality 15.1 on a Centos 5 system fails with the above error message…

This has been caused by the 'whom' script, as run from the Reality install2, when it attempts to determine the running kernel using a 'uname -r' command.

On CentOS 6 a 'uname -r' properly reports the kernel with either  a '.x86_64' appended for a 64-bit kernel and either '.i386' or '.i686' for the 32-bit kernel. CentOS 5, however, reports
the kernel without appending the bit structure (i.e. reports 2.6.18-398.el5 instead of 2.6.18-398.el5.x86_64 or 2.6.18-398.el5.i686).

As a work-around, the install can be recovered by copying /bin/uname to /bin/uname.orig and creating a new uname script as:

case "$1" in
echo "2.6.18-406.el5.x86_64"
uname.orig $1

The above will be recovered in a future update for V15.1 or release of Reality.

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