Updated March, 2016
For Linux Platforms:
Please check that all prerequisites in the Installation Guide have been met for the release you're running, refer to the latest version on the Reality Documentation page.
This includes requiring the packages: ksh, gcc, pam, perl, ncompress, ncurses-devel, glibc.i686, telnet, telnet-server – obtained using rpm, yum or apt-get install etc…
Then ensure that all recommended software updates have been installed, these are available on the Software Updates page.
If the build continues to fail then check that the LINUX PAM libraries have been installed and have the correct links – check by running ( rpm -qa |grep pam ) or ( yum check-update | grep pam ).
If these appear to be installed then please check the following:-
If the softlink in /usr/lib for libpam.so is missing or if there is no libpam.a in /usr/lib then Reality may not build.
To correct this you can perform the following – from /usr/lib directory
ln -s /lib/libpam.so.0 libpam.so
Some RedHat ES5 installations do not appear to have created this link.
Note: For CentOS also check missing links for libpamc.so and libpam_misc.so
If the build still fails refer to general UNIX information below.
For all UNIX Platforms:
Refer to prerequisites in the Installation Guide and updates as mentioned for Linux above.
You can determine which part of the build fails by performing the following:
cd /usr/realman/R/V/make Where R is the release number and V is the version number:
e.g for V15.1 it's /usr/realman/15/1/make
./build –ve
Note: If it's the initial installation failing you will need to set REALROOT:
e.g. for V15.1 use REALROOT=/usr/realman/14.1 then export REALROOT
You will then be presented with a build menu – select each option in turn:
i.e. start with option 1. Select the libraries and fixes to be included…
When running option 2. Build a new reality you get the following error:
/usr/bin/gcc -O -maix64 -o BRN_16 /usr/rld: 0706-003 Cannot find or read import file: /lib/pse.exp
In the above the path to /lib/pse.exp was found to be failing as the link lib -> /usr/lib had been corrupted – i.e. a Reality host platform issue, not Reality.
… send the output of the build to us as a support request on the Contact us page.