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Telnet into Windows database gives error "<30002> Open of partition failed"

This typically occurs if you installed Reality when your computer was connected to an NT Domain and then you try and telnet to the database when not connected to the Domain.

So if, when installing Reality an NT user “Reality User” was created in the domain, you will need to create a “Reality User” local to your machine as follows: 

When not connected to the domain start a cmd window and run the command ntinstall.exe 

Now you have to fix the permissions on your database.  On V14 there is an easy way of doing this, but on V12 you need to create a batch file.

On V14 and above:
Start a cmd prompt and cd to the folder containing your database (if using the demo database this is C:\RealityDemo\demo). 

Now run the command:
    mkdbase –R database_name
Replacing with your database folder name (demodb if using the demo) 
Warning: Use the uppercase -R flag as a lowercase -r will prompt for the database to be cleared and recreated as an empty database.

Before V14:
Use notepad to create a file called fixperms.txt in the folder containing your database (If using the demo database this is C:RealityDemodemo) and paste the following lines into it: 

    cacls %1tmp /e /g "%2Reality Users":f 
    cacls %1configs /e /g "%2Reality Users":f 
    cacls %1H.1Part.* /e /g "%2Reality Users":f  

Change the name of fixperms.txt to fixperms.bat

Start a command prompt and cd to where this file is (e.g. C:\RealityDemo\demo). Then type
Replacing with your database folder name (demodb if using the demo) and with your Windows computer name.

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