Why do I get "Invalid logon attempt" from a Dos Prompt

This may be because the current Windows User ID is not the same as when the Reality Demo was loaded.

When you load Reality the same case (UPPER/lower) Windows User Name/ID is used to create a matching Reality Logon UserID for the SYSMAN Account. However, if you later try and log in under a domain, or via VPN access, that uses a different case for the Windows User Name/ID this will not match the Reality case sensitive UserID. For a Windows User Name/ID this normally does not matter, however, Reality is by default case sensitive. So if Reality was loaded with the Windows User Name/ID of john.smith this is not the same as John.Smith if the reality command is run using this User Name/ID at a Dos Prompt.

The Reality UserID of 'DEMO' will always let you into the demo account but in order to log into SYSMAN, the Systems Manager Account, you need to log in using the exact case matching Windows User Name/ID that loaded the Reality Demo.

You can get around this using the following from a Windows Dos Prompt:

reality -d demodb -u john.smith

Replace john.smith with your Windows User Name/ID that loaded the Reality Demo.

You can determin your Windows UserID using a set u command from a Windows Dos prompt…
… it will return with something like – USERNAME=john.smith or it might be USERNAME=John.Smith

You can add the different case Reality UserID, so you don't have to use the above command, using the following from a Reality TCL prompt.

You need to be in SYSMAN – a WHO at Reality TCL will return with something similar to:

401 john.smith (demodb,SYSMAN)  < this last parameter is the account name, SYSMAN in this case.

You can then use the following command to copy the different case Reality UserID.

Eval:COPY USERS john.smith

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