Feature Catch-Up Briefing

Need a Reality Check? – new features released since V9.0 are covered below.
For full details of features released in each release refer to the Documentation under Differences Documents in the Other Documents section, under the Contents tab. As available on the On-Line Documentation page.
- V15.1 Datasheet – Click for PDF Marking 40 years of Reality continual development and innovation…
DataBasic Object Server – DBO for native object orientated language integration within Reality. Mounting of Physical/FastSave Tape Images for selective data retrieval and as a “read only” Database. DataBasic – New Exception Handler for user defined error interception for general application use. REMOVE statement has more efficient options for MV compatibility and all users. BASE 64 has new Encrypt and Decrypt Functions (also available in English). Significant efficiency improvements for PERFORM “SYS” of platform commands while capturing the output. SQUOTE and DQUOTE can now use binary data. A Global Reality SYSTEM() e.g. REAL.SYSTEM() to use Reality numbering for features in any selected MV runtime environment. Pseudo floppy tape format definable segment size to split data over multiple files. English BSELECT/SELECT normalises issues with MV variants. Key System files are now automatically sized using AFS.
- V15.0 Datasheet –
64bit delivery across all platforms with 32bit as an option only for Windows, Outgoing Web Services for accessing external services, SQL ODBC 2.5 Conformance and 32/64bit platform drivers, Enhanced Database performance on MS Windows, Easy migration from other Pick MultiValue Platforms, Over 50 feature enhancements released since V14.0.
- V14.0 Datasheet –
Safe & Secure Reality with data encryption and enhanced Disaster Recovery features, Interoperability (now with HTML from English, Remote Basic ActiveX, SQL-VIEW includes AIX platform), Configurable System Frame Size, AFS – auto-file-sizing now set by default, Larger single T/L Clean Log file, Partition Database now default for UNIX Systems, new ANALYZE command to analyse the state of user processes, further MultiValue compatibility enhancements and other Environment changes. Warnings are now created in the daemon.log if licence expiry is within 60 days, these get more frequent as the expiry approaches – a grace period can be used to extend this for a short period. System Alerts can be configured to prompt of such warnings and errors – refer to Alerts and Grace in the Documentation index.
- V12.0 Datasheet –
Web Services, XML Parser/Generator, Fast “on-line” image Backup & Restore, DataBasic Profiler & Stack Trace, CSV File Integration, WinPrinter/GDI, Remote Database Disaster Recovery, System & Application Alerts, Striped Partition Filing System, Multiple Database Runtime Isolation, Indexing Maintenance Enhancements, MultiValue compatibility enhancements.
- V11.0.1 Key Features
…Indexing Enhancements, Reality SQL Commands, CSV File Support, WinPrinter Support, DataBasic Profiler, XML Support, MultiValue Migration Enhancements.
- V11.0 Key Features
…Automatic File Sizing – AFS, GUI Spooler, SQL Compatibility Enhancements, MultiValue Migration Enhancements, Coldstart Recovery, DataBasic from English Dictionaries(Call Conversion), Sequential File Access from DataBasic, Tandem for all platforms.
- V10.0 Key Features
…Foreign Database Support (MV data within SQL and direct access to SQL Database), File Triggers, MultiValue Enhancements, TCP Connections in DataBasic, Pseudo, Rapid Recovery File System, 2_Terabyte Databases, Compressed Tape Image, Support for Distributed Transactions under MTS/COM+, GUI Admin, File Triggers, UNIX-Connect available on Linux , RealEdit.
- V9.1 Key Features
…Evaluation Product, MultiValue Migration Enhancements, Access to Reality license and connection counts.
- V9.0 Key Features
…Multi-valued and/or sub-valued Exploding Indexes, SQL Enhancements, Sequential Item Support, SQL/Maintenance, JDBC driver for Reality, Remote Basic, RealWeb, Enhanced Application Security Features, Remote Tape Access.
For information on changes in releases going further back…
… refer to the Documentation under Differences Documents in the Other Documents section, under the Contents tab.
As available on the On-Line Documentation page.