Reality News Archive…

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Sep 13, 2016 – Reality V15.2 Service Pack #245… …
refer to the Latest Product Updates page.

Nov 16, 2015 – Reality V15.1 Service Pack #154…
refer to the Latest Product Updates page.

Oct 30, 2015 – Reality V15.2, New Feature Release Planned for Q1'2016.

Aug 21, 2015 – Reality Documentation Revision Update 7, refer to the Documentation page.

Aug 14, 2015 – Reality Component, UNIX-Connect Update, Version 2.1 is required for support issues to be progressed – refer to Latest Updates page…  

Jul 29, 2015 – Reality & Microsoft Windows 10
Sites running under the Windows Host Platform for Reality are recommended to continue use their current tested Windows versions and should Contact Reality Account Management for advice when considering upgrading or rolling out new systems to Windows 10. The latest Server class software remains at Server 2012, however, Windows 10 Pro & Enterprise are intended to replace Windows 8.x therefore Reality has been tested during the Insider Preview Programme. These tests were positive, however, further testing will be carried out for the final released versions and any use of Reality on these releases needs to be fully acceptance tested by Reality VARs and end customers. In line with Reality UNIX platforms, Reality will be supported only on 64bit versions of Windows 10.

As Reality is a database, user operating environment and language product set you are always advised to use dedicated systems for use by Reality on any version of Windows – i.e. it should not have other database and system level products loaded as well as Reality and preferably no other software loaded unless needed and fully tested. The provider of the Reality Applications needs to determine the suitability for running under the chosen hardware and Windows versions, including required devices and any integrated software, as well as provide the necessary acceptance testing with end users. For use under virtualisation please refer to Microsoft for their current view and for Reality deployment refer to Are Virtualisation Platforms Supported.

Loading and updating Reality must be carried out under full administrator privileges – i.e. using a Windows Admin Command Prompt, or running commands using the Run as administrator option. Some issues with loading and updating the Reality product set have been seen on previous releases of Windows, typically down to Microsoft changes connected with security, which are also within Windows 10. 

May 29, 2015 – Reality V15.1 Latest Service Pack #136 available – refer to the Latest Updates page.

May 06, 2015 – RealEdit new version, for information refer to Latest Updates, under Components tab then RealEdit.

Oct 24, 2014 – Reality V15.1 Latest Documentation 

Sep 30, 2013 – Reality V15 .1 New Features, Production Released, refer to the V15.1 Production Release page. 







Dec 06, 2012 – Reality V15.0 New Version, Production Released, refer to the Feature Catch-Up page.