General Installation of all platforms and the Windows Demo
◄ refer to the required platform Install Notes
Note: When you have downloaded the Reality ISO File Delivery you can install onto the required O/S host platforms. The ISO/DVD file just needs to be unpacked and mounted; to do this refer to the tab above.
Please refer to the Installation Guides for all platforms unless loading the Windows Demo, refer to link on home page of the Documentation.
For issues with installation or the Demo refer to FAQ’s under Installation & Evaluation Demo.
If you already have the Reality Windows Demo installed, refer to the Details of Demo page for details of using the demo.
For Windows Installation
The Reality Setup process should run automatically, if not run setup.exe in the installation delivery root directory. This will present two options, which are described under the headings [Demo] and [Custom] below.
For issues with installation or running the Demo features refer to FAQ’s under Installation & Evaluation Demo.
If you already have the Reality Windows Demo installed, refer to the Details of Demo page for details of using the demo.
Note! Before loading or updating please refer to the below:
- It is recommended you either burn the ISO file to a DVD or mount using a virtual drive. Refer to [ISO/DVD Unpack] tab above for details.
- As Reality loads a Service and other system level components the installing user must be an Administrator’s group member and not have a space in the user name. This Admin access is also required to run certain Reality Windows commands to build and maintain databases and other components. You can confirm Admin access by selecting Command Prompt, under Accessories, right-click and Run as Administrator. If this fails to run you don’t have the required access.
- If installing from a directory structure, rather than from a mounted ISO or a physical DVD, you must right click setup.exe and select ‘Run as Administrator’. If there is no ‘Run as Administrator’ option then it is safe to just double click setup.exe”.
- If you’re new to Reality we recommend using the [Demo] option, as detailed below.
Please follow the notes below prior to loading Reality…
… and you can review the quick and simple process on the
Reality You Tube videos
, refer to Installing Reality, which also covers the loading of MultiValue/D3 data.
[Demo] Option – recommended if new to Reality on Windows
Taking this option leads you through a few simple steps to load Reality, a fully operational Database, RealWeb (Web pages from DataBasic) demo, a SQL demo and full On-Line Documentation. The process takes a few minutes and each step is described. If you have been advised to use a new eval.rky key file then refer to the file path for this file when prompted for Path for Keyfile, rather than the default file in root of the DVD/ISO delivery.. You may be asked to logoff and back on to complete the environment setup for Reality, the automatic load will continue when you log back on.
Refer to further information on page Details of Demo.
[Custom] Option – to access all Reality features
Main Menu Taking this option presents all the loading options for:
Installation Guides Core Reality Software User Documentation
SQL Software Web Software Utilities
Demo Software
Installation Guides – These cover full details for each host platform, client and external features.
Core Reality Software – Includes the Reality base install and networking interfaces like JReal/PCSNI, WinSNI, ActiveX(RemoteBasic Subroutine Access), Remote Tape. If you have been advised to use a new eval.rky key file then refer to the file path for this file when prompted for Path for Keyfile, rather than the default file in root of the DVD/ISO delivery.
User Documentation – Available to access and install.
SQL Software – ODBC/JDBC Drivers
Web Software – RealWeb Servlets & HTML
(For Web Services refer to Latest Updates under Components.)
Utilities – Screen Editor (RealEdit), Customisation Information, including general information about NEC Software Solutions.
Optional S/W – TCP/IP Bridge for permanent connections, Active-X(DDA Legacy Server calling specified program), TCP/IP Sockets Test/Example… Note: For information on installation and use refer to the notes found within the folder opened for each utility.
For further information refer to the Installation Guides on the documentation Home Page – for the latest version refer to the Documentation page. These cover all features of Reality and how to install on the various platforms, including complete On-Line Documentation. These cover full features details and how to install including complete On-Line Documentation.
UNIX/Linux Installation
Please refer to the Installation Guides on the documentation Home Page – for the latest version refer to the Documentation page. These cover all features of Reality and how to install on the various platforms, including complete On-Line Documentation. These cover all features of Reality and how to install on the various platforms, including complete On-Line Documentation. If you have been advised to use a new eval.rky key file then refer to the file path for this file when prompted, rather than the default file in root of the DVD/ISO delivery..
Reality on UNIX is straightforward to load and, as for Windows, has a 3-user evaluation licence. New users to Reality could, however, use the Windows Demo as it has simple click loading and comes with a database and feature examples that can be reviewed on any PC. Hence this can be used to get a feel for the Reality feature set before deployment of test and then live UNIX Servers.